Vicky, Kingston, Surrey

A truly revitalising experience! Following the wardrobe refresh and personal shopping sessions with Caroline I now have an infinitely clearer understanding of what styles and colours suit me and, more importantly, why...

Caroline’s review of my wardrobe not only helped me to identify which pieces should stay, which should go and what items should form the basis of my personal shopping list, but also renewed my desire to make the most of myself. As a mum of two young children, how I look on a daily basis has taken a back seat for quite some time so it was great to have someone with Caroline’s wealth of knowledge and experience focusing solely on me! The personal shopping session was great fun and very relaxed. It was liberating to try on styles and colours I wouldn’t previously have considered and as a result of Caroline’s expertise I am now the proud owner of several new stylish and flattering outfits that inject colour, pattern and new fabric into my previously plain wardrobe. I loved the whole experience and can’t wait to take what I’ve learned and go shopping again.